
「角聲」事工的大前提,是「天天傳揚祂(耶穌基督)的救恩!」因此「角聲」所有的事工,只有一個目標,就是「尋找圈外的羊」,以社區服務,愛心關懷,接觸廣大的人群;用《聖經》的真理,觸動心靈、改變生命!「角聲」的同工和協工,以濃烈的佈道熱情,適切時代的佈道方式,與眾教會聯合設立社區「禱告站」向各年齡層傳揚福音, 成為祝福社區的渠道!讓人得著耶穌基督的救恩!

The premise of CCHC ministry is to “proclaim his salvation day after day.” Therefore, all our ministries aim at one main goal which is to seek “other sheep that are not of this sheep pen.” Delivering multi-level community services with our loving care, we reach out to people based on the Biblical truth, so that people’s hearts can be touched and transformed. Our coworkers and volunteers spread throughout the world. With passion for evangelism, we share the Gospel in a unique way which provides people ample opportunities to receive our Lord’s salvation.